Overseer – Daniel Laster
The vision of the Adult Choir is first and foremost to be the tiller of the ground to the congregation, which will set them up to receive the Word of God from our Man or Woman of God.  The choir is composed of committed covenant members who are intentional in continuing the worship atmosphere in partnership with the Praise and Worship Team. We are developing leaders who are sensitive to the musical importance of corporate worship, unity in song, and a growing harmony in operation

Overseer – Minister Dana Godwin
The Altar Workers assist the people in receiving Christ, receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit and in prayer for personal needs and deliverance.

Overseer – Justin Sanders
We, as a team, operate the sound system at a level of excellence that ensures the overall quality and level of sound exceeds expectations.

Overseer – Scott Sanders II

Our Vision: F.L.O.W. 

Follow- the unction of the Holy Spirit.
Lovely – meek and humble to one another.
Operate – in excellence every time.
Worship – as a “Sound” band together.

Overseer – Minister Gail Morman
The baptism ministry vision is to bring the believer to a better understanding of the death, burial, & resurrection of Jesus Christ. To provide knowledge that water baptism symbolizes, in the natural, what has happened in the spiritual, (one dies to himself, buries the old man & rises in the newness of life). Thus, baptism is administered in Jesus’ name. We take on HIs name, and receive all of the benefits of that decision, as one would in marriage.

Overseer – Maria Marshall

The vision of our ministry is to glorify God by providing fresh, healthy, delicious meals that are both good to you and for you.  It is our endeavor to do this in an aesthetically pleasing environment, that will cause visitors to become members and members to become family.

Overseer – Zelda Mosley
The Décor Ministry strives to create a modern, warm, and attractive ambiance that is conducive to unrestrained worship and receptive fellowship in every encounter experienced by our church family, visitors, and friends. The Décor Ministry adorns the House of the Lord with its visual beauty, vibrant color coordinations, and creative designs. The Décor Ministry’s objective is to continually bring Glory to God while providing exceptional preparations as well as special esthetic efforts during the holidays and special events.

Overseer – Elder Brenda Godwin
Sharing the gospel in our community through various evangelistic tools such as witnessing door to door, in shopping centers, clubs & jail. We also partner with community housing areas to help transform the lives of its residents. We partner with Strive2Thrive, Inc in Albany which brings the community together to offer individuals a “hand up and not a hand out ” to help them move from poverty to prosperity.

Overseer – Deacon Elmore Fuller
Our Vision is to perfect excellence. Help enhance our training for better service.

Overseer – Barbara Lee
Our team provides oversight for an army of Kingdom Builders, who are dedicated to honoring our heavenly Father while being great stewards in all facets of our lives.

Overseer – Saresa West
The Fresh Rhema Transformation Center serves as the conduit through which the reproduced Word of God flows out of the ministry. The media sales team operates the Fresh Rhema Transformation Center with Holy Ghost inspired excellence as they assist customers in finding the right Word for their circumstances.

Overseers – Jamel Overstreet & Elder Scott Sanders II

Vision: A ministry where every young person knows their purpose in God and is connected to the ministry.

Mission: We are a ministry that encourages worship, consecration, and discipleship.

Overseer – Min. Donna Gridley
Our mission is to greet everyone in the love and grace of Jesus Christ through the demonstration of the same grace shown towards us.

Overseer – Elder Ametra Berry
The Health Professionals Ministry vision is to be open and available to assist in any health crisis and to promote healthy living to the members of Rhema International Ministries.

Overseer – Min. Charlotte Terrell
Our vision is to Transform lives by boldly and continually praying the word of God thereby creating an atmosphere conducive for the word of God to come forth effectively, supernaturally and unhindered. Isaiah 57:14-15

Overseer – Kristina Johnson
The vision and mission of the Kingdom Kids Ministry are to lead the children of Rhema International Ministries into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ by exposing them to the Biblical Word and revelation spoken through Pastor Scott Sanders. Our desire is to instill in our children that they are culture setters and glory carriers for the Kingdom of God!

Overseer – Kimberly Cox
The Lap Scarf Ministry effectively respondents to altar candidates by laying cloths and distributing tissues. We work in conjunction with our Pastor, other ministers and the Holy Spirit as candidates responds to the preached Word of God.

Overseer – Brittney Overstreet
Little Royals Nursery vision is for our young boys and girls to walk in the image of CHRIST: operating with confidence and boldness as lions, modeling humility as lambs, and excelling in academics as geniuses.

Overseers – William & Karen Thomas

Led by the Holy Spirit, the Marriage Ministry will help to create, strengthen, restore and transform marriages by providing couples with biblical principles, teachings and events. Our desire is to create an atmosphere that fosters healthy relationships. We will have successful marriages that will impact our children, family, church, communities and the world.

Overseer – Daniel Laster
Substitute everything that comes with being in the Adult Choir, and incorporate those covenant members who aren’t initially involved due to other primary ministry obligations, and you’ve got the Mass Choir. The songs we minister are inviting for members who may not be as skilled to join their voices and still be able to minister in excellence. Ages 13 and up are encouraged to join us to minister on specified ministry assignments.

Overseer – Pamela Greene
The New Member Care Ministry is designed to welcome and orient all new members to their new church home. We help them get acclimated with the ministry by discipling them through the Word of God producing a transformed mind so they can Know God, Connect with People and Serve the World.

Overseer – Daniel Laster
The Men’s Choir is composed of men ages 13 and up who are on fire for the Lord, and have no problem showing it! Our members are primarily a part of security, transportation, ushers, and other various other important services. We are incorporating the many styles of male ensemble singing from the regular Men’s Choir to the Men’s Praise and Worship Team. Skill is not a cause for concern, as long as you are willing to be a vessel for singing unto the Lord and His people.

Overseer – Elder David Berry
The Vision of the Men’s Ministry is 3G’s: Gathering; Outreach/Events/Help establish the connection, Group: Group like-minded/Learning/Building Spiritual, Growing; Encouraging discipleship/Bringing/Winning Souls

Overseers – Mother Mamie Jones & Mother Hampton
The Ministry vision is to provide prayer, visitation, meals & ministry to members and their immediate family who are ill, hospitalized or in bereavement. We share the gospel, encouragement, prayer at different nursing homes & senior adult communities.

Overseer – Elder Sandie Driskell
The Global Vision for this dynamic Ministry is the preparation of Mission trips and Missionaries to fulfill the Great Commission. Rhema International Missions Ministry seeks to prepare Missionaries both men and women who have an International Missionaries heart towards reaching the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This Ministry works behind the scenes to coordinate travel arrangements, prepare missions itineraries, ensure all necessary passports, visas, and inoculations are acquired by the chosen Missionaries, as well as coordinate proper training in preparing Missionaries for their Kingdom assignment. Rhema International Missions Ministry provides all necessary support for the chosen Missionaries prior to their departure.

Overseer – CoPastor Cynthia Sanders

The Music and Arts Ministry is an integral part of our worship experience and has an awesome assignment to usher us into the presence of God. The Music Ministry is comprised of the Adult Praise and Worship Team, Adult Choir, Mass Choir, Youth Praise and Worship Team, Youth Choir and Men’s Choir. Auditions may be required to participate in these various ministries.

Overseer – Deacon Derrick Johnson
To Serve and assist with the spirit of excellence as people arrive on the grounds of the church.

Overseer –
The vision of the Performing Arts Ministry is to present the word of God through the arts. The drama presentations are based on the teaching received at Rhema. The goal is to present these principles in a practical way so those who are watching as well as those who are presenting can see the word portrayed through real-life situations.

Overseer – Quantia Byrd
The purpose and mission of the Photography ministry are to digitally capture the Rhema Experience during services, special events, and outings. Our goal is to capture and share with the world so they too can experience THE RIM.

Overseer – Min. Shelly Duhon
To release the power of God through Holy Spirit inspired dance. To demonstrate the power of God through movement and visual interpretation to bring healing, deliverance, destroy yokes of bondage, and set captives free (Luke 4:18-19).

Overseer – Deacon Cantrell Sias
The Public Announcement Ministry is charged with keeping the body of Christ informed about the events and happenings within the ministry.

Overseers – Ebonee Kirkwood and Vontessa Kendall
The Rare Jewels Ministry trains, equips, and empowers young ladies ages 12-25 to live out kingdom principles and walk confidently in their God-given identity. The ministry aims to foster spiritual growth, build godly connections, and promote servant-leadership. Rare Jewels Ministry provides practical teachings, shared experiences, and opportunities for bonding and fellowship.

Overseer – CoPastor Cynthia Sanders
Founded by CoPastor Cynthia R. Sanders, R.E.A.L. Women’s Ministry mission is to effectively minister to and reach women of all ages through our quarterly Encounter Fellowships. The Encounter encourages women through worship and effective speakers to understand their purpose and instructions on how to fulfill the will of God for their lives. It is an atmosphere that provides training through the word and a spirit of connection where women can develop loving and supporting relationships. During the year we host an Annual Mother’s Day Luncheon, Annual Christmas Fellowship, and Gift Exchange, participate in Albany Pink Walk for Breast Cancer Awareness and support our community through evangelism and outreach. We also have a custom T-shirt, designed by CoPastor Sanders
to represent our ministry; it’s available in our bookstore.

Overseer – Mother Mamie Jones
S.A.L.T. (Senior Adults Living Triumphantly) is a fellowship for Rhema Members age 60 and older. We join with the Missionary ministry and visit three nursing homes bi-monthly. We carry the Word and sing to them. We let them know that they are loved and not forgotten. We also call and encourage some seniors and families that are homebound for a time. We pray with them and encourage them in the Word. We come together and plan outings such as Saturday brunches and day trips to historical sites throughout Georgia and surrounding areas. Also, we plan fun outings and fellowships to strengthen our relationships with one another. Most importantly, we support our Pastor and CoPastor at different events. All members that are age 60 and over are welcome.

Overseer – Elder Eric Richards
We strive to flow with the vision of our leaders, while continuously evolving as a security team, to effectively secure Rhema International Ministries with excellence and faithfulness.

Overseer – Sis. Regina Thomas
The Kingdom Connected Singles Ministry is dedicated to empower, encourage and energize single members to serve in ministry, to fellowship, to seek God and live a God centered lifestyle.

Overseer – Kerpasha Davis
The goal of the Social Media Ministry is to spread the gospel of Jesus to the world while promoting the vision of Pastor Scott T. Sanders as he ministers revelation as directed by the Holy Spirit.

Overseer – Garrick Smith
To serve and minister to all people and provide a way for them to be closer to Christ by providing transportation.

Overseer – Deacon Timothy Wooten
The Vision for the Usher Ministry is to be a team that’s flowing in the Holy Ghost and is sensitive to the spiritual shifts of our Pastor. The usher ministry will flow in the level of excellence that is expected from our man of God. We will be a team that is in control on the floor but also will be known to be servers from the heart.

Overseer – Deacon Cantrell Sias
Our ministry is entrusted with enabling the spread of God’s inspired Word outside of the local sanctuary and into the hearts and spirits of all those desiring to hear it.

Overseer – Min Jamel Overstreet
Our ministry creates exciting and inspired video projects that promote the vision of our church, celebrates church milestones, and highlights ministry events.

Overseer – Deacon Cantrell Sias
We oversee the administration of the church’s websites and create original graphics in support of our fellow ministries.

Overseer – Elder Sandie Driskell
Wives Empowered by God Ministry serves to Empower Wives to focus on: God’s Word through their faith in God’s Son Jesus Christ, as they believe God that their Husbands shall worship and serve God together with them, their wives, in the Body of Christ at Rhema International Ministry. Wives Empowered by God Ministry serves to empower wives to believe through their faith in God, that their Husbands shall walk in their full potential and calling as Honorable Men of God, head of their households, great Fathers, great servants of God, in partnership and unity with their wives, as they believe God for the victory in every area of their lives, i.e. their marriages, finances, health, protection, etc., with nothing missing, broken, and nothing lacking.

Overseer – Daniel Laster
The main idea of this choir is for our youth to have an outlet to be as inspiring, and exciting as possible to minister to God and His people with passion! We also want to be a bridge of operation and recruitment for our youth as they transition into the Adult Choir. We seek to work with future worship leaders between the ages of 13-25.